GM4Women2028 Pankhurst-Fawcett Scorecard: Annual Data Reveal & Celebration

Come and join us on Tuesday 6th February 2024 for our 6th annual reveal & celebration event revealing the latest scorecard data, to see how Greater Manchester is faring for gender equality in the last twelve months. Our scorecard is named after Emmeline Pankhurst and Millicent Fawcett, two iconic figures who were among the first leaders of the campaign for women’s suffrage. The scorecard is used within Greater Manchester to conduct annual reviews of gender equality data with the goal of achieving equality across all areas by 2028 – the centenary of equal franchise.

Our mission revolves around fostering connections between women and organisations across Greater Manchester with Dialogue, Data, Deeds, and Determination.  

Funded by the University of Manchester’s School of Social Sciences Community Partnership & Civic Engagement Fund, GM4Women events aim to facilitate meaningful Dialogues, exchange valuable insights on equality Data, and unite communities in our shared Determination to see equality Deeds from our politicians and power holders.

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Dialogue, Deeds, Determination, July 8th, Oldham

Join us to discuss how to make Greater Manchester a better place for Women and Girls

Be part of the action and make your voice heard at in Oldham on Saturday 8th July. Connect with community groups, charities, trailblazing girls, feminist leaders, and policymakers, and take part in our dialogue workshops on Male Allyship, Women’s Health, Education, Safety, Active Lives, and more.

Together we reflect on the current situation for gender equality under these themes in Greater Manchester and discuss what we need to see from power-holders to progress equality.

We’ll also be welcoming fantastic community organisations who will be hosting stalls all day, where you can learn more about what they do, and how you can get involved. You can grab a free speedy coaching session with Queen Bee Coaching, or get warmed up for the day with some netball and networking sessions!

Cake, refreshments, and lunch will be provided!

Trafford, February 2023

On the 6th February 2023, we held our fifth annual Pankhurst-Fawcett Date Scorecard Reveal & Celebration event, in Trafford. Hosted in the beautiful Stretford Public Hall, we were delighted to welcome back our scorecard reveal events in person after a few years of remote delivery.

Named after suffragettes Emmeline Pankhurst and Millicent Fawcett, our scorecard conducts annual reviews on gender equality in Greater Manchester. Our 2023 scorecard reveal marked 105 years since the Representation of the People’s Act 1918. Ten ikey data indicators on Employment, Safety, Political and civic participation, Education, Culture, and Active lives were highlighted, along with findings from the Surveying GM Women Project. Workshops, key speakers, and networking opportunities made it a great day od data, dialogue, and celebration.

Watch highlights from the day in our short film
A film by Solosna Films 

Wigan, October 2022

On the 15th of October 2022, we held our second Dialogue, Deeds, Determination Event, in Wigan.

We held a number of workshops creating discussion around childcare and good work, Women’s rugby, local political participation and sexism in schools, the progress being made for women and girls, and looking forward to what needs to be done in the future. The event brought together women, activists, and community organisations from across Greater Manchester.

Watch highlights from the day in our short film

A film by Solosna Films 

We’re on a mission to host community events for Women and Girls in all 10 boroughs of Greater Manchester.  This event was held in collaboration with our partner Ekhaya Empowerment CIC working to empower women in Wigan. 

Manchester, July 2022

On 2nd July 2022, we ran our first Dialogue, Deeds, Determination event.

The purpose was to hear from women around Greater Manchester. We also wanted to celebrate work being done in all ten boroughs to promote equality for women and girls. You can read more about the day and workshops from this blog written by our guests and members:

Blog: Dialogue, Deeds, and Determination – what a day!